(apologies this post is quite dense, information-heavy, later posts will be less so. I need to explain these laws as lucidly as I can, in present times language)
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy and other quantum energy medicines seek to increase our well being and vitality from the inside out in a holistic and coherent way.
Homeopathy was first propounded in 1810 by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) a german doctor, when he published his book, The Organon. He was discouraged by the medical practices of his time; the treatments were often worse than the original problems, like high doses of toxic mercury being used and blood letting as common place medial practices. (Does that remind you of the current times we live in?)
‘ The highest ideal of therapy is to restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensible principles ‘ Samuel Hahnemann from the Organon.
In working with an individual we look at health, the terrain, noting any maintaining causes or issues in the home and surrounding environment. Clean air, good water, good food, safety, good sanitation, access to nature, loving relationships, not too much stress are all vital for good health.
Everyone is seen as unique, and disease is not seen as an outside entity that we somehow ‘catch.’ That is not to deny that can happen to some degree sometimes; however there are many factors, and the causes really may not be what we think they are.
With homeopathy we work with building up immunity and resilience and reducing susceptibility to disease.
The individualisation of the case
Everyone’s manifestation of an ‘illness or dis-ease is seen as unique to them; there are no diseases as such, but only diseased individuals.
Most conventional, allopathic or orthodox mainstream medicine works with the principle of opposites, getting rid of symptoms, like a war on the illness or disease whereas homeopathy uses a blossoming, flowering life approach to health, building up resilience and life force (or ‘chi’) So disease is not a separate entity that happens to us in a pre-determined way by the name of the disease.
It is useful to get an allopathic diagnosis, however it can be incredibly freeing to know we do not necessarily need to take this on. We may choose to not take on predictions by doctors from the medical model. Our beliefs and intentions are creative, and there are many factors and maps as to what makes us healthy or unwell.
Of course it is ideal to work with all forms of medicine and at times the allopathic, conventional one may be what’s needed. However it’s crucial there is choice and that we can use the most effective, least harmful and least invasive method, not using a sledge hammer to crack a nut.
Connecting with Earth and Nature builds up our immunity, as well as following what gives us joy. Kindness is so important as well as recognising everyone must find the way that is best for them. My vision or goal is always wellness and the body’s miraculous ability to heal. I see my clients or patients being the best version of themselves and being restored to health and inner peace, however that looks.
The first law of homeopathy:
Homeopathy gets its name from the this law,
‘Like cures like’
the law of similiars - ‘homeo’ meaning ‘similar’, and ‘pathos’ meaning ‘disease’
When translating a particular English medical book, Dr Samuel Hahnemann came across a passage which stated that Cinchona officinalis or china (Peruvian bark) was beneficial in treating malaria because it had ‘bitter properties’. Peruvian bark, is rich in quinine and still is the source for this anti-malarial drug. It is indeed effective in the treatment of malaria, but Hahnemann rejected the explanation that the ‘bitter properties’ were the reason. After all, there are many other substances that taste bitter which have no effect against malaria. So Hahnemann decided to experiment about the nature of peruvian bark, he, himself, as a healthy person, ingested it. He then found that he temporarily experienced malaria-like symptoms. He went on to experiment with other medicines and substances which led to the first principle or law. ‘Like cures like’
If a healthy person suffers from certain symptoms, after taking a particular substance, then a sick person who naturally has similar symptoms, will be cured by that same substance.
As Hahnemann tested this concept, he and a growing number of students began to do ‘provings’ (or drug testings) with various substances. That is, they would administer a particular substance, for instance, sulphur, in varying doses to a large number of healthy people. Then over a certain period of time, they would record all the symptoms, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual that arose as a result of taking it. Symptoms like skin rashes or diarrhoea, bodily discharges, or feeling angry or sad, or not being able to concentrate.
The history of homeopathy, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, is full of these ‘provings’ performed with thousands of substances. An enormous literature was filled with these findings, which led the creation of extensive materia medicas (In a later post I will write about my personal experience being part of a modern day proving group in 1993)
The study of homeopathy is based on becoming familiar with the provings (materia medica) and matching the set of symptoms that a patient has, that are similar to the symptoms that were created during the proving of a particular substance.
From a quantum and sound healing perspective this law can also be known as
The law of Resonance,
which moves us from discord to harmony and raises frequency and vibration. It can also be explained in terms of empathy and love where an embracing frequency holds the discord and it is seen, heard, felt, it is then transmuted, and Grace and wellness come through.
The second law of homeopathy:
The use of the Minimum Dose (Less is more)
Homeopathic Potentisation (serial dilution and succusion or vibration)
As Hahnemann began to conduct provings and use medicines according to the Law of Similars, he recognised that many of the substances he used, created toxic reactions and bad side effects in the ‘provers’ and in patients. He therefore began to dilute the medicines to avoid these reactions. This led to another important discovery.
The more the medicines were diluted, the gentler and more effective were their curative action. It seemed as if the dilute forms of these substances acted at a deeper level in the body.
In fact, it is more than a simple dilution process by which the homeopathic remedies are made. One part of the original form of the substance is first diluted in ninety-nine drops of water and/ or alcohol. Then it is shaken vigorously. The shaking is called ‘ succussion’ and the entire procedure is termed ‘potentisation’; (originally banging the bottle repeatedly on a leather bound book) the remedy is made potent by the process.
This first generation of the remedy is called a 1C (or centesimal). A further generation is created when one drop of the 1C solution is diluted in ninety-nine drops of water and/or alcohol and succussed again. This is the 2C “potency”.
After carrying out this process a few times, there is little or nothing left of the original substance.
Image from https://www.centerforhomeopathy.com
By 6C potency there is none of the original substance left, only the ‘essence’ or memory imprint. Homeopaths use potencies that range from 3C all the way to the 1M and 10M – ten thousandth generation of succussion and more.
Thus using this method of ‘potentisation’ now bland substances, toxic poisons and even disease products can be used as powerful healing remedies.
All life is sacred and connected. For example, Natrum muriaticum or sea salt (sodium chloride) is a major remedy used in homeopathy. It is a key remedy for grief. We hold Nat mur or salt in our tears. It is known as a polychrest remedy, which can cure a huge range of symptoms (eg from migraine, hyperthyroidism to arthritis) all of which would have the keynotes, imprints or flavours of Nat mur in their manifestations.
As Homeopaths we build up an extensive knowledge of remedies, our ‘material medica’ which are more like 3 D living holograms, remedy pictures or fractals of nature. I will elaborate on this in future posts.
The action of a homeopathic remedy goes beyond chemical reactions and physical substance as we commonly understand it. As there is no actual material dose left in homeopathic remedies, it has been one of the big ways homeopathy has been ridiculed and debunked.
It was not understood that homeopathy is an energy medicine and we enter a new paradigm at the quantum level.
To quote E. A. Farrington, another renowned homeopath (1847-1885)
’What! will you use a substance which is used in almost every food and call it a medicine, and say that you obtain good effects from it ?’ I can assure you, gentlemen, as I assured him, that Natrum mur. is a medicine, and I can assure you, too, that that very man afterwards became a warm advocate of the medicinal virtues of Natrum muriaticum. I tell you that when you potentise a drug you will find that you no longer have to depend upon the ordinary laws of dietetics, hygiene or chemistry, but you step into a realm which is distinct from the laws of chemistry and of physics. Medicines are then no longer subject to the coarser laws.
In 1988 eminent scientist, Jacques Beneviste’s conducted studies on water, showing it has memory and his findings were published in Nature magazine. Sadly at that time, it was ridiculed and debunked and he was shamed, humiliated and his career was ruined.. (Does that remind you of current times ?) Many years later these findings have been verified. Also the work of Dr Maseru Emoto opened up peoples minds to the miraculous properties of water. Now Veda Austin in New Zealand is currently further expanding our knowing about water as a living consciousness. See https://www.vedaaustin.com/
The third law: The law of the direction of cure
which can be summarised as:
‘We heal from within out’
‘We heal from the head down’
‘We heal in a reverse time-line’
Dr. Constantine Hering, also considered a father of homeopathy 1800-1880, developed this law, from observations of the healing processes of many patients.
He observed that generally healing takes place :
*From the inside and outward; progressing from the deepest part of the body – from the spiritual/ mental and emotional levels, to the vital organs, then to the external extremities such as the skin. With healing, symptoms move from more vital organs to the less vital organs; from the interior of the body towards the exterior.
*Also as healing occurs, symptoms may appear and disappear in the reverse of their original chronological order of appearance. It was commonly seen that symptoms would re-appear from past afflictions, this time passing through much more quickly. So symptoms of a chronic disease often disappear in a definite order, going in a reverse time line. Of course everyone’s progress may be different, with different factors and variables. It was said, taking about one month for every year of the symptoms being present, this can be a rough guide (like peeling the layers of an onion)
*and generally as the healing progresses, symptoms move from top to bottom, from the upper to the lower parts of the body. For example as the pains in the neck diminish, the person may now have pains in finger or toe joints.
This law is so helpful in assessing the progress of a person and also deeply enables the understanding that radical interventions, such as injections (of vaccines or anything) going directly into the blood stream cannot so easily be thrown off. When we ingest food or drink that is harmful the body will purge, vomit or have diarrhoea and be able to throw it off.
If a population has no more colds, flus, clearing out illnesses and suddenly the incidence of cancers, and serious chronic diseases are high, we know there is something very wrong.
It takes a holistic and long term view to understand this, and a respect and innate knowing of our wise intelligent bodies and nature.
When there is ongoing, worsening ill health, often symptoms go in deeper. Often people may have not had a cold or any mild illness for years, but will suddenly show up with a serious cancer in deep vital organs. That is why an understanding of healthy living and body awareness is imperative to help prevent this. Learning to listen to our bodies is vital.
Evaluating a case
Knowing the law of direction of cure really helps with this and seeing the bigger picture.
Sometimes I ask patients or clients to evaluate their symptoms, whether mental, emotional or physical. I ask them to give score from. 1-10, with a subjective units of distress score (SUDS) 10 being very bad , 5= not great, and 1 = 0 almost not there or fine. Then I make a note of their evaluations, often in relation to many symptoms and also record the length of time they have had them.
I started to do this because oftentimes clients, who experienced ‘cure’ or symptoms completely gone would forget they ever had them. With allopathic medicine we regularly have to keep taking a medication to not have unpleasant symptoms. And later we may need to keep taking a pharmaceutical not to have withdrawal symptoms. We have become so used to this in our culture that has normalised ill-health. With homeopathy this is avoided. I often support my clients gradually reducing pharmaceutical medications at the same time as taking homeopathic remedies, when possible in collaboration with their family doctor.
To evaluate the case, as homeopaths we become used to ‘reading’ energy and vitality. The patients words and experience are indispensable. Observing for example vitality, flow, grace, light, shining health versus listlessness, depression, fear, pain etc.
To understand homeopathy we need to undergo a paradigm shift in our understanding of health, medicine and wellness. Although that is not required for it to work. It can work brilliantly on children, the aged and animals who may not know anything about its principles.
There are miracles and magnificence in Nature and our bodies. We are multi-dimensional beings and we do not yet know how much we are capable of.
With differing paradigms or maps of health we need to cultivate tolerance, respect and patience.
The different paradigms are like shifting gears, different octaves or languages. One does not need to cancel the other out. And in emergency situations and more, I am extremely grateful to the expertise of modern medicine and the dedication of the doctors and nurses.
We will undo misunderstandings, not by domination, arguing, fear and control but with creative, kind dialogue and patience. That is not to say we do not speak out about the unspeakable corruptions and harm that has been caused, especially recently. Choice and freedom is essential.